Josh Barnett Shares Wrestling Advice Given by ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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On a recent edition of the “Stories With Brisco & Bradshaw” podcast, Josh Barnett revealed the advice he got on pro wrestling from “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On getting advice from Austin: “He goes, ‘You know what Jake Roberts told me? Think shoot, but work.’ That’s the easiest way to put it. Out there, everything’s a shoot, but you’re working. That’s easy to say, harder to do, but it’s important.”

On implementing the advice: “I don’t care if people know it’s a work. If we’re really capable of it, the best that are out there, they’ll make you doubt. Maybe the whole match or pieces.”

In the world of professional wrestling, there are few names as iconic as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Known for his rebellious attitude and captivating in-ring performances, Austin has left a lasting impact on the industry. Recently, Josh Barnett, a former professional wrestler and current mixed martial artist, shared some valuable advice he received from Austin.

During an episode of the “Stories With Brisco & Bradshaw” podcast, Barnett revealed that Austin had given him some insightful guidance on the art of pro wrestling. Austin told Barnett, “You know what Jake Roberts told me? Think shoot, but work.” This simple yet profound statement encapsulates the essence of professional wrestling.

To understand this advice, it’s important to delve into the terminology used. In wrestling, a “shoot” refers to a real or unscripted event, while “work” refers to the scripted and choreographed nature of the performance. Austin’s advice encourages wrestlers to approach their matches with a mindset that blurs the line between reality and fiction.

Barnett acknowledged that implementing this advice is easier said than done. However, he emphasized the importance of making the audience believe in the authenticity of the performance. Even if people are aware that wrestling is scripted, the best wrestlers can still create doubt and make viewers question what is real and what is not.

This approach adds an extra layer of excitement and engagement for the audience. When wrestlers can make spectators suspend their disbelief and become emotionally invested in the outcome of a match, it enhances the overall experience. It is this ability to captivate and entertain that separates the great wrestlers from the rest.

Throughout his career, Steve Austin was a master at blending reality with fiction. His rebellious character resonated with fans, and his intense in-ring performances made people question whether his actions were genuine or part of the show. Austin’s advice to Barnett reflects his own success in creating an authentic and compelling persona.

To further explore this topic, Barnett shared a link to a podcast episode featuring him as a guest. In the episode, he discusses his experiences in wrestling and mixed martial arts, providing valuable insights into the world of combat sports.

In conclusion, the advice given by “Stone Cold” Steve Austin to Josh Barnett offers a valuable lesson for aspiring professional wrestlers. By thinking “shoot” but working within the scripted nature of the industry, wrestlers can create an immersive and captivating experience for the audience. Austin’s own success serves as a testament to the effectiveness of this approach. Aspiring wrestlers can learn from his example and strive to blur the line between reality and fiction, ultimately leaving a lasting impact on the world of professional wrestling.