Jordynne Grace labels Wes Lee as ‘TNAacist’ following assault on Joe Hendry, according to Oba Femi News.

Jordynne Grace labels Wes Lee as ‘TNAacist’ following assault on Joe Hendry, according to Oba Femi News.
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During this week’s WWE NXT episode, Wes Lee caught Joe Hendry off guard with a superkick in the opening segment. Jordynne Grace, TNA Knockouts Champion, displayed her disapproval over the incident on her Twitter account. She simply tweeted,

“TNAcist 😡😡😡”.

In other occurrences on the same episode of WWE NXT, Oba Femi held on to his NXT North American Championship title after emerging victorious in a match against Otis. Below, you can view some of the match highlights:


In a completely separate incident, Mike Santana, a former wrestler from AEW, took to Twitter to show appreciation for Homicide after their match at Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport XI, held on July 28. In his heartfelt message, he said,

“This one meant a lot to me for many reasons. Homicide has been a true constant in my career going all the way back to my beginnings in wrestling… 2 weeks ago, I got to fight with him for the last time in his hometown of Brooklyn, NY…This vid is a thank you to him for his contributions…Cheers to an amazing career… Thanks for trusting me with the throne…#KingOfNY #JBBSXI”

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