Jonathan Coachman Declares He Has No Plans to Make a WWE Comeback

Jonathan Coachman Declares He Has No Plans to Make a WWE Comeback
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Jonathan Coachman, a former WWE announcer, recently spoke with Chris Van Vliet about a wide range of topics, including that he will never go back to WWE due to the way he was treated during his second run with the company. He said,

“I think back now, I’m kind of in that reflective point of my life. Because I know, for a fact, that my wrestling career is over. There is nothing that can make me go back and do that so now you get into a reflective state.”


“It’s not like they need me anyway. They’re not crying over spilt milk. But I like to think I treat people a certain way and I wanted to be treated that way. So yeah, I would never go back. So I reflect now, and when I think about the cool things that people have done for me when I was in the WWE, whether it’s fans, wrestlers, whatever, that might still be the coolest thing.”

“Yeah, but that’s usually people whose lives are wrestling, you know what I mean? That’s what they inspire to be. That’s not who I aspire to be. I got lucky. And then there are things that have happened over the past five years that make me not want to go back. I was 100% loyal to that company and to Vince [McMahon] so when things happen, sometimes you’ve got to draw the line in the sand and say ‘I can’t be treated that way and still go back and be loyal to the company.’” 

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Former WWE announcer Jonathan Coachman recently opened up about his experience with the company and why he will never return. In an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Coachman discussed the way he was treated during his second run with WWE and how it has led him to reflect on his wrestling career.

Coachman stated, “I think back now, I’m kind of in that reflective point of my life. Because I know, for a fact, that my wrestling career is over. There is nothing that can make me go back and do that so now you get into a reflective state.” This statement suggests that Coachman has come to terms with the fact that he will not be returning to WWE and is looking back on his time in the industry.

He further explained, “It’s not like they need me anyway. They’re not crying over spilt milk. But I like to think I treat people a certain way and I wanted to be treated that way. So yeah, I would never go back. So I reflect now, and when I think about the cool things that people have done for me when I was in the WWE, whether it’s fans, wrestlers, whatever, that might still be the coolest thing.”

Coachman’s comments indicate that he values how he treats others and expects to be treated in return. He acknowledges the support he received from fans and fellow wrestlers during his time in WWE, but also mentions that there were incidents in the past five years that have made him reconsider his loyalty to the company.

He said, “Yeah, but that’s usually people whose lives are wrestling, you know what I mean? That’s what they inspire to be. That’s not who I aspire to be. I got lucky. And then there are things that have happened over the past five years that make me not want to go back. I was 100% loyal to that company and to Vince [McMahon] so when things happen, sometimes you’ve got to draw the line in the sand and say ‘I can’t be treated that way and still go back and be loyal to the company.'”

Coachman’s statement highlights the importance of being treated with respect and how loyalty can be tested when faced with mistreatment. It seems that Coachman has reached a point where he no longer wants to be associated with WWE due to his experiences.

In conclusion, Jonathan Coachman’s recent interview sheds light on his decision to never return to WWE. He reflects on his wrestling career and the way he was treated during his second run with the company. Coachman values how he treats others and expects to be treated in return, which has led him to draw the line and prioritize his own well-being over loyalty to WWE.