Jon Moxley Shares Thoughts on AEW’s Gritty Wrestling Product

Jon Moxley Shares Thoughts on AEW’s Gritty Wrestling Product
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Jesse and Anna on B.105 recently interviewed AEW International Champion Jon Moxley to promote tonight’s AEW Dynamite TV tapings in Cincinnati, Ohio.

During the interview, Moxley noted that wrestling can be a violent sport while AEW is a family-friendly event. He said,


“It’s a family-friendly event. You can bring children, bring Grandma, but it is a very physical and violent sport. This particular main event is going to get very ugly. If the last wrestling you’ve seen on TV is some kind of hokey cartoonish buffoonery kind of thing years ago on the television, this is not that. Pro wrestling in 2023 has evolved to something much different than people even think it is now that aren’t familiar with it. If you like sports, drama, and violence, this is a very gritty wrestling show at times. A lot of times, it’s more like watching The Wire than watching what you think is a pro wrestling show. That’s what it’s going to be on Wednesday. It’s not jokes. A lot is on the line, championship gold, people’s health, people’s future and legacy. It’s a hell of a dramatic night.”

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AEW International Champion Jon Moxley recently sat down for an interview with Jesse and Anna on B.105 to promote the upcoming AEW Dynamite TV tapings in Cincinnati, Ohio. During the interview, Moxley shed some light on the nature of professional wrestling and how it has evolved over the years.

Moxley emphasized that while AEW is a family-friendly event where people of all ages can attend, wrestling itself can be a violent sport. He stated, “It’s a family-friendly event. You can bring children, bring Grandma, but it is a very physical and violent sport.” This statement highlights the contrast between the entertainment aspect of wrestling and the physicality that goes into performing the moves and executing the matches.

The AEW International Champion went on to explain that the perception of wrestling has changed significantly in recent years. He mentioned that if someone’s last exposure to wrestling was the “hokey cartoonish buffoonery” of the past, they would be pleasantly surprised by the evolution of the sport. Moxley described pro wrestling in 2023 as a gritty show that combines elements of sports, drama, and violence. He even compared it to watching a show like “The Wire,” known for its intense and realistic portrayal of urban life.

Moxley’s comments highlight the dedication and passion that wrestlers bring to their craft. It is not just about putting on a show; there is a lot at stake, including championship titles, personal health, and legacies. This perspective gives fans a glimpse into the intense world of professional wrestling and the commitment that wrestlers have to their careers.

For those interested in staying up-to-date with all things wrestling, provides comprehensive coverage of the latest news and events in the industry. Additionally, fans can follow eWrestlingNews on Twitter and Facebook for regular updates.

In conclusion, Jon Moxley’s interview sheds light on the nature of professional wrestling and the evolution it has undergone in recent years. While AEW is a family-friendly event, wrestling itself can be a physically demanding and intense sport. Moxley’s description of pro wrestling in 2023 as a gritty show that combines elements of sports, drama, and violence showcases the dedication and passion that wrestlers bring to their performances. For fans looking to stay informed about the wrestling world, and its social media platforms are excellent resources to follow.