Johnny Gargano Shares Painful Experience of Working The WarGames Match

Johnny Gargano Shares Painful Experience of Working The WarGames Match
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During a recent appearance on the “Battleground” podcast, Johnny Gargano discussed his previous involvement in the WarGames match and the physical toll it takes on a wrestler’s body.

Gargano is not booked for this Saturday’s WWE Survivor Series 2023 pay-per-view event, which will feature WarGames matches for both the women and men.


Gargano said, It hurts a lot … how do you prepare for WarGames? I don’t know that you can. I think you’ve just got to go in there and throw caution to the wind and be willing to accept that the next day, you might not be able to walk very much. When I did WarGames, it was literally when my contract was expiring so I knew the next day, I probably wasn’t going to wrestle, so I could throw caution to the wind all I wanted. You have to be prepared that you are not going to go into that cage the same way you come out – you are going to be a different person after War Games.

Johnny Gargano, a professional wrestler, recently opened up about his experience with the WarGames match and the toll it takes on a wrestler’s body. In a recent appearance on the “Battleground” podcast, Gargano discussed the physical challenges and risks associated with this intense match.

WarGames is a unique and brutal match concept in professional wrestling. It involves two teams facing off inside a large steel cage structure with two rings. The match is known for its high-risk maneuvers and the use of various weapons. The objective is to eliminate all members of the opposing team until only one team remains.

Gargano emphasized the physical toll that participating in a WarGames match can have on a wrestler’s body. He stated, “It hurts a lot… how do you prepare for WarGames? I don’t know that you can.” This highlights the unpredictable nature of the match and the difficulty in preparing for its physical demands.

The wrestler also mentioned that he had participated in a WarGames match when his contract was expiring. Knowing that he wouldn’t be wrestling the next day, Gargano felt more inclined to take risks and throw caution to the wind during the match. This mindset reflects the understanding that participating in a WarGames match can result in significant physical consequences.

Gargano further explained, “You have to be prepared that you are not going to go into that cage the same way you come out – you are going to be a different person after WarGames.” This statement emphasizes the grueling nature of the match and the potential long-term effects it can have on a wrestler’s body.

The physical toll of a WarGames match extends beyond the immediate aftermath. Wrestlers often experience soreness, injuries, and fatigue that can affect their ability to perform in subsequent matches. It requires a great deal of mental and physical resilience to recover from such an intense encounter.

Despite the challenges and risks involved, WarGames matches continue to captivate audiences with their high-octane action and dramatic storytelling. Wrestlers like Johnny Gargano showcase their dedication and passion for their craft by willingly subjecting themselves to the physical demands of this match.

In conclusion, Johnny Gargano’s insights into the physical toll of a WarGames match shed light on the challenges that wrestlers face when participating in this intense and demanding event. The match’s unpredictable nature and potential for injuries make it a test of a wrestler’s resilience and determination. While the physical toll is significant, the allure of the WarGames match remains strong, captivating both performers and fans alike.