John Laurinaitis has submitted an affidavit concerning the lawsuit involving Janel Grant.

John Laurinaitis has submitted an affidavit concerning the lawsuit involving Janel Grant.
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Latest updates have emerged in the ongoing litigation involving claims of sexual maltreatment and sexual trafficking, leveled against Vince McMahon. The lawsuit has been initiated by ex-WWE employee, Janel Grant. Incidentally, WWE and John Laurinaitis also find themselves entangled in these allegations.

In response to a petition by the Department of Justice, Grant has consented to intermittently suspend her legal proceedings for a half-year duration.

In efforts to shift the court proceedings to private arbitration, Laurinaitis tendered an under-oath declaration last week. The ex-member of the WWE top brass has furnished a “sworn testimony of facts,” comprising specific details as mentioned in reports by