Joe Hendry splurged 00 on a billboard just outside WWE’s Clash at the Castle event and more updates.

Joe Hendry splurged 00 on a billboard just outside WWE’s Clash at the Castle event and more updates.
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In a recent conversation on the “Talk is Jericho” podcast, professional wrestler Joe Hendry shared an intriguing marketing strategy he once employed. He went to great lengths to promote himself by spending 00 on billboards located outside the WWE Clash at the Castle, which took place at the OVO Hydro in Scotland.

Hendry recollected his somewhat odd request to the advertising company. He said, “I was determined to get a billboard, no context, just carrying my face. When I approached the ad company, they were bemused, asking ‘You just want your face?’ I reiterated, ‘Yes, just my face.’ They suggested a QR code, but again I insisted, ‘No QR code. Only the face.’ WWE was in town at the Hydro, and that’s the moment I decided to rent the two billboards next to the Hydro, featuring my face alone. So, when fans were walking into the SmackDown, they had to pass by my face.”

Hendry also spoke about a deep, important conversation he had with RD Evans, one of his closest allies and mentor in the industry, before putting the plan into motion. Despite uncertainty about how the industry would react, Evans reassured him, saying, “I cannot predict how the industry will react, but I can assure you of the respect you will earn for daring to pull this off. This will outweigh any quick, negative feedback you receive.”

The unique approach was well received, with Hendry stating, “TNA thoroughly enjoyed it. WWE admired it. All responses were overwhelmingly positive, and many found it amusing. Both firms applauded the idea. It cost around 00. Probably, the best 00 I ever expended.”

Tonight’s episode of NXT Level Up promises an exciting lineup, including matches between Eddy Thorpe and Shiloh Hill, Kendal Grey and Jakara Jackson, as well as Adriana Rizzo versus Lainey Reid.

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