Joe Hendry Shares His Thoughts on His Initial Appearance in WWE NXT

Joe Hendry Shares His Thoughts on His Initial Appearance in WWE NXT
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During a recent interview on the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, professional wrestler Joe Hendry from TNA shared the details about his WWE NXT debut that happened last Tuesday night.

In the NXT competition, Hendry participated in a battle royal. He was, however, axed early from the game which was to decide the top contender for the WWE NXT Title.

Speaking of his NXT debut, Hendry shared, “Interestingly, the entrance was not typical. I was keen on understanding the NXT production, keen on how they’d like the entrance to unfold. My start mirrored that of Chris Jericho, with a turn around. I stayed on for a bit longer. I hadn’t quite anticipated how protracted that would feel. There was a good 20-second window where I thought, ‘Absorb this scenario.’ The feedback I got indicated that my truly authentic moment with the audience was appreciated. It was me expressing, ‘Thanks, guys. Much obliged.’ I sensed solid support from the audience that day. As I stood at the front before rotating, I caught audible gasps. If you revisit the footage, the camera trembling is perceptible. The fact that this WWE video has been the most liked since WrestleMania—being able to facilitate that via my TNA representation is extraordinary. I’m still processing it.”

In continuation, he added, “A key benefit of this quick-paced scenario was not having excess time for overthinking that part of it. This experience has exceeded expectations on all fronts. I began considering ‘this could turn into a moment’ when I found people from the WWE Performance Center and other stars at the PC discussing my song. A handful of producers anticipated a noteworthy reaction. I started tuning into the vibes that more people knew my song and my act than I acknowledged. Still, I didn’t think it would receive such an immense welcome. It feels surreal. It’s complete validation.”