Joe Hendry Gratefully Acknowledges Fans as His Theme Song Climbs to Number One on the UK iTunes Chart

Joe Hendry Gratefully Acknowledges Fans as His Theme Song Climbs to Number One on the UK iTunes Chart
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Joe Hendry, a professional wrestler with Total Nonstop Action (TNA), experienced an unexpected windfall when his entrance theme “I Believe in Joe Hendry” topped the UK iTunes song charts last month, a fact we reported earlier at eWn.

In conversation with BBC, Hendry expressed his profound thankfulness to his dedicated English fanbase for their unwavering endorsement.

Outlined below are some noteworthy points from the interview:

– Sharing his surprise over his song’s popularity, he said, “The reception to my entrance song was always positive. People were creating videos featuring my song, garnering millions of views. One night, I uploaded it on Spotify, didn’t think much of it. The following morning I wake up to find it ranking at number 20 on the iTunes charts. I found it amusing and shared the news on Twitter, and things just snowballed from there… The fans’ support and enthusiasm have been incredible. It’s very unique and exciting when something unexpected like this occurs.”

– Commenting on why his song is a crucial element of his persona, Hendry stated, “A grand entrance is half the challenge. If you make a great entrance, you’re halfway to being a top-tier professional wrestler. Stage fright can be paralysing. I’ve seen numerous performers tackle this fear. Once their music starts playing and they walk out through the curtain, they transform into someone else. My song offers me that opportunity. The moment I hear it, I morph into the wrestler I need to be in the ring.”

– Hendry revealed that he would have been keen to compose a song for the Scottish First Minister John Swinney. He said, “If John Swinney had given me enough prior notice, we could have produced ‘I Believe in John Swinney’ for him, with no issues.”

At its peak, Hendry’s theme song did exceptionally well in the US as well, securing a position in the Top 20. However, its position has since fallen and currently ranks at No. 60.

Below is the embedded video player for those who’d like to hear Hendry’s 2019 theme song, “I Believe In Joe Hendry” for The Ring Of Honor.