Joe Hendry Discloses the Moment He Learned of His WWE NXT Debut

Joe Hendry Discloses the Moment He Learned of His WWE NXT Debut
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In a recent conversation with Inside the Ropes, Joe Hendry, a known figure in the TNA wrestling circuit, divulged some interesting details about his WWE NXT debut. He openly shared his experiences and feelings about joining NXT.

Here are some interesting snippets from their interaction:

Regarding the moment he was informed about his WWE NXT debut, Hendry shared, “I had two flights lined up- one in the event of a debut and another if it were not to materialize. But, certainty only dawned a day prior. In fact, post the taping of Chris Van Vliet’s podcast, I made a beeline for the airport, heading straight for Orlando.”

When queried about how he felt on joining the NXT team, Hendry responded, “I am profoundly grateful to each member of the Performance Center – from my fellow wrestlers to the coaching staff, production team, medical unit and other staff members. Their warm and receptive nature made me feel right at home. Their readiness to work together was also unparalleled. I felt a new learning curve, and we successfully managed to highlight TNA as well. What transpired is a glowing example of a win-win situation for all stakeholders- TNA, NXT and our awesome wrestling fans. I believe this is merely the start of an exciting era in professional wrestling.”

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