Joe Hendry Desires to Compete Against John Cena, and Jeff Hardy Sings a Tune for Hendry.

Joe Hendry Desires to Compete Against John Cena, and Jeff Hardy Sings a Tune for Hendry.
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In a recent conversation with Metro UK, professional wrestler from TNA, Joe Hendry, highlighted Jordynne Grace’s performances in WWE. Furthermore, he definitively stated his disbelief in the notion that a showdown with John Cena is utterly unrealistic.

Hendry views such an objective as challenging, however, he firmly believes it’s within reach. He expressed,

“Jordynne Grace was in the Royal Rumble. Seeing that convinces me that no possibility should be excluded. To those who think a match-up with John Cena for me is unattainable, I say this – don’t try to convince me it’s unattainable, since last week’s achievements were also considered unattainable by many.”

In a related development, TNA veteran Jeff Hardy publicized his admiration for Hendry.

Expressing his appreciation for the wrestler hailing from Scotland, Hardy used Twitter as a platform to share a song dedicated to Hendry.

Replying to this, Hendry penned, “Jeff Hardy Believes 👏 👏”

Jeff Hardy Believes 👏 👏 — Joe Hendry (@joehendry) June 26, 2024