“Jinder Mahal is on the brink of revealing his hidden abilities to the global stage,” asserts Jeff Jarrett.

“Jinder Mahal is on the brink of revealing his hidden abilities to the global stage,” asserts Jeff Jarrett.
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In a recent episode of his popular podcast “My World,” WWE legend and Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett dived into a discussion about Jinder Mahal’s reservoir of unexplored talent. This topic arose when Mahal, an ex-WWE champion, recently stepped into the GCW ring following his WWE exit earlier this year.

Below are a few key points from the podcast for your perusal:

When asked if there was ever deliberation to award the TNA World Title to Booker T, Jarrett emphatically asserted, “Absolutely… The reason is, all members of the Main Event Mafia were, to start with, ex-world heavyweight champions. As a result, they all, if we’re speaking in mortgage terms, pre-qualified for this designation? Sure. While we didn’t have a premeditated plan or strategy printed? Not at all. However, was it a topic of discussion? Unquestionably.”

Jarrett continued, “Perhaps there was a drafted plan, but he wanted the Legends Championship to materialize naturally – not because he was rooting for it, but because it made sense. That idea wasn’t his; it was a creative decision. But yes, the option was definitely considered. All five original members of the Main Event Mafia were considered for that role.”

Touching upon Jinder Mahal’s imminent career, Jarrett shared, “I envision him revealing untold talents to the world in the near future. In fact, he’s one who’s never shied away from working hard. His physical fitness is a testament to this fact. I firmly believe he’s en route to success. He has already created the right amount of buzz; I keep seeing excerpts of his debut across different platforms. It made me happy, and brought to mind the first day of the New Year 2022… While people were aware that Jinder’s 90-day hiatus was nearing its end, I don’t believe anyone anticipated his move, which was perfectly executed. Watching him show up in GCW was indeed a treat.”

Below is a link to the complete episode of ‘My World with Jeff Jarrett.’