Jimmy Korderas Criticizes WWE For Backlash Booking Decision

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Jimmy Korderas criticized WWE for one of their booking decisions over a match that took place at Backlash. 

In his latest ‘Reffin’ Rant,’ the former WWE referee criticized WWE for having Omos lose to Seth Rollins. He said,


It’s always nice when a PPV or premium live event ends up better than expected, but there’s still some little things you’ve gotta be careful about, I think, going forward. The Backlash PPV from top to bottom I thought was a very entertaining show. Lots of great matches, lots of fun…crowd was intense, great stuff. Even the match that had really no build to it, or no rhyme or reason for it to happen…Omos vs. Seth Rollins…turned out to be a pretty good match. A lot of that credit goes to Seth Rollins for carrying Omos but Omos has to get some credit too. The only issue I have…another major PPV or PLE loss for Omos. You know what? Sooner or later he has to get some credible wins or else they’re going to lose all momentum with him because they’ve got a future star potentially to make it in the future.

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