Jim Ross Talks Shane Douglas, Billy Kidman, Konnan, And More

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On a current edition of the Grilling JR podcast, Jim Ross believed on numerous professional wrestlers and WWE’s interest or absence of interest in them towards the subsiding days of The Attitude Era.

Have a look at some highlights, thanks to 411mania. com, listed below:

On WWE not having interest in Shane Douglas in 2000:“I do not understand. Vince was never ever high up on Shane for whatever factor. The professional in wrestling that had the most self-confidence in Shane Douglas was Jim Barnett. Barnett believed he was a stereotype or a timeless babyface blonde hair, blue eyes great size, however for whatever factor Vince was never ever offered on Shane. That didn’t go anywhere.”

Shane Douglas
Shane Douglas On whether Billy Kidman might have made the transfer to WWE and achieve success:”Maybe, however we weren’t doing much with the Cruiserweights and Billy was a smaller sized man extremely skilled, extremely skilled. I believe he’s still there, I believe he operates in representative type thing. He’s a wise kid. Since he wed Torrie Wilson, I utilized to call him the greatest overachiever in the world. What are you believing? Anyways, however Billy had all he examined a lot of boxes there’s no doubt about that and we did utilize him some, however we simply weren’t prioritizing our budget plan to work with more Curiserweights.”

On if Konnan didn’t fit the WWE:“I have excellent regard for Charles, aka Konnan. When he’s healthy, he has a dazzling mind was a hell of an employee. Fantastic star, however we could not discover or didn’t perhaps we didn’t look hard enough. We didn’t, we could not discover something that we believed would be a fantastic suitable for what he would require to be delighted. Consisting of cash and a put on the card and things like that. You got to remember he’s a recognized veteran he’s a star he drew a great deal of cash in Mexico and he drew cash in America, and so on. Wherever he went he had great runs, however you understand he would have been terrific to have around since he might assist the people, however Vince simply wasn’t thrilled about that principle about that concept.

On if the WWE audience was all set for wrestlers likes Rey Mysterio, Psychosis and Juventud Guerrera in 2000: “Well, we were prepared for Rey Mysterio, however Rey Mysterio when they shut down they owed Rey a great deal of cash. Rey was a star. It does not matter he was and Vince constantly had this concept and men that are listening to this that remained in the business at that time or around it brand-new Vince constantly had this concept to do a Mighty Mouse type character. It’s smaller sized than typical man that conquers all the challenges with being quick and resourceful etc. He was making I believe Rey was making north of 500 grand and we weren’t going to go there. He can make more than that and he did all the time. He’s a 7 figure man, however when he was healthy he was scheduled on the live occasions. We constantly had ideas for Rey however not for the group, however Rey was a various type of feline.”

The post Jim Ross Talks Shane Douglas, Billy Kidman, Konnan, And More appeared initially on eWrestlingNews.com.