Jim Ross Talks Michael Hayes’ Brilliant Mind For The Wrestling Business

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Jim Ross Talks Michael Hayes’ Brilliant Mind For The Wrestling Business

Michael Hayes

Photo by Bob Levey/WireImage

Jim Ross makes it clear that Michael Hayes knows plenty about the ins-and-outs of the pro wrestling business.

On his most recent episode of Grilling JR, the lead announcer for All Elite Wrestling spoke with host Conrad Thompson about the ongoings of WWE Fully Loaded 2000, but received a moment to discuss the creative abilities of one of the legendary Fabulous Freebirds.

“I remember Bill Watts used to say that Michael Hayes had one of the best minds in wrestling,” said JR.

“Michael’s got a great mind and that comes from being a young kid getting into the territories and only earning the tickets that you sell. That’s grocery money, rent money, car payment money, living money. He understood what it took to be a good heel, he understood the value of heat and I’m sure that he still does, but again I don’t know that he’s allowed to do everything that he would generally want to do if he had complete autonomy, but Michael Hayes is a brilliant wrestling mind and I’m sure again, he’s had to adapt some of his philosophies and beliefs in today’s world, especially into today’s WWE world, but Michael was a good get on that creative team and he almost lost it all at one time there, but he has rebounded and he has been a valuable member of their team ever since.”

JR does note that the two don’t communicate as much as they used to, but only simply because they’re both so busy with their lives. Michael did, however, did just finish reading JR’s second biography, Under The Black Hat last week and was sure to send his old buddy a text.

(Transcription credit should go to @DominicDeAngelo of WrestleZone. Doot, doot, doot. Check out the full clip below.)

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