Jim Ross suggests that establishing the Wyatt Sicks could present significant obstacles.

Jim Ross suggests that establishing the Wyatt Sicks could present significant obstacles.
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AEW commentator and WWE Hall of Famer, Jim Ross, spoke about a broad variety of topics recently in his “Grilling JR” podcast episode.

Throughout the episode, Ross delved into the debut of the Wyatt Sicks faction that happened during the previous week’s episode of WWE RAW. Ross commented,

“I noticed the highlights, indeed. I believe it’s going to be a daunting task to make it successful. Bray Wyatt cast an enormous shadow; his talent was exceptional. The freshly minted group doesn’t have anyone that, in my perspective – and I don’t mean to be harsh, but Bray Wyatt can’t be simply replaced. The more the WWE can differentiate this new team, the more prosperous they will be. Nevertheless, trying to precisely imitate and replicate every move will turn out to be really demanding. That’s similar to saying, ‘We’ll find another bare-headed man with a goatee who can perform a stunner, and he’ll be [Steve] Austin.’ Regrettably, it doesn’t operate in such a way. Hence, I’m completely in favor of these men being triumphant and excelling. The core purpose is about the business and providing these individuals an opportunity to enhance their family’s provision, which I’m absolutely supportive of. However, I believe the journey is going to be demanding.”