Jim Ross Remembers Vince McMahon’s 1999 Motorbike Mishap

Jim Ross Remembers Vince McMahon’s 1999 Motorbike Mishap
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In a recent episode of his “Grilling JR” podcast, WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross took listeners back to the time when Vince McMahon broke his tailbone in a 1999 motorcycle mishap. Ross revealed some interesting details about that incident and more, shared below:

Commenting on the motorcycle mishap, Ross remarked: “Well, it gave us all a fright, because losing our leader wasn’t something we wanted to think about. He was really fortunate to have survived that without more serious injuries. I can relate to tailbone problems. It’s impossible to find comfort; it’s a constant source of pain. Yet, he showed toughness. He commanded his troops, leading us into battle as he did consistently. We were grateful that a hospital stay for a longer period wasn’t a necessity. That was quite a relief, as the prospect was mighty unnerving, to be frank. McMahon’s management of the company was hands-on. His knowledge, skills and his desire to be involved in every aspect were unparalleled. Had we lost him then, it would’ve been a massive blow for us at that time”.

When asked if he was taken aback when Sable settled with WWE in 1999 and made a comeback in 2003, Ross said: “Not at all, I wasn’t surprised by either event. It’s all about ensuring there’s a backside every 18 inches and moving products and merchandise. She proved many times over that she could boost merchandise sales, be it calendars, pictures, T-shirts, or whatever else. She had high marketability. Vince recognized that and metaphorically speaking, he jumped on that horse and galloped all the way to the bank”.

For the complete podcast video, see the link below.

[Link to the podcast video]