Jim Ross Explains Why Vince McMahon Buried Christian Cage

Jim Ross Explains Why Vince McMahon Buried Christian Cage
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On a recent episode of his podcast, “Grilling JR,” WWE Hall of Famer, Jim Ross elaborated on the subject of Christian Cage, specifically discussing his transition from WWE to TNA Wrestling in 2005.

Below are key points that came up during the podcast discussion:

Discussing Vince McMahon’s disposition towards Christian, Ross commented, “I found it rather preposterous, given that Christian merited additional time. He could serve as an asset to us, lending his expertise to less skilled participants and enhancing their performance. I perceive that Vince’s issue with Christian revolved around Christian’s physical build. While he is not overwhelmingly muscular, he’s consistently fit. Unfortunately, Vince has a renowned preference for more muscular wrestlers more often than not.”

Ross went on to discuss the period when Christian departed from WWE for TNA, noting, “I was under the impression that Christian was grappling with frustration and was considering leaving. It was apparent to anyone who held a conversation with him or merely observed his non-verbal cues. Understanding these wrestlers requires one to comprehend their emotional states and read the unspoken story they convey. Christian was one of those individuals whose sentiments were apparent. He was discontented and uncertain about the longevity of his wrestling career, especially after taking a hiatus for a few months due to an ailing back. A compromised back is a wrestler’s worst nightmare. Wrestling moves and sequences often conclude with a flat back bump, which could pose serious issues for those with back problems. It somewhat sets a countdown for their careers.”

Getting into the reasons behind Christian’s departure, Ross detailed, “Absolutely, I believe Christian was simply seeking recognition as a premier wrestler, which he indeed was. During his tenure at TNA, he delivered commendable performances. His time at TNA was beneficial to the brand. Once again, he stepped up, aided in building their reputation, and made things better than before his arrival.”

[Below is the embedded podcast for reference: Why Did Vince McMahon Bury Christian? New Episode Grilling JR with Jim Ross]