Jim Ross confirms that he never had a discussion with Vince McMahon regarding his potential move to AEW.

Jim Ross confirms that he never had a discussion with Vince McMahon regarding his potential move to AEW.
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On his “Grilling JR” podcast, WWE Hall of Fame inductee Jim Ross discussed a range of topics, including his decision to sign with AEW and if he had any discussions with Vince McMahon regarding the move.

Here are a few notable segments from the show:

During his first encounter with Tony Khan, Ross said, “I met Tony at a New Japan showing. We stayed at the same hotel and Alex Marvez, an old friend, introduced us. We talked about wrestling and spent a wonderful time at a cocktail or two.”

When questioned about their conversation, Ross said, “We touched upon historical events in wrestling. He would bring up instances from matches, particularly from Mid-South, which was intriguing. This conversation made me realize Tony is a man of knowledge with real answers, and I could imagine working for him.”

Discussing his signing with AEW, Ross added, “I handed it over to my manager, Barry Bloom. Being in contract with WWE, I didn’t want any disputes with their attorneys. My deal with AEW was the most lucrative contract I’ve ever signed, more than any I had with Vince. While I achieved success with WWE, I felt I needed a backup plan and AEW appeared a good alternative. The final terms agreed by Barry in his talks with Tony Khan, made me confident about my decision to move.”

Ross stated that he never informed Vince McMahon of his AEW move, “This conversation never occurred. Vince apparently wanted another type of announcer, not some older, Southern, and chubby person like me. I thought it would be better to leave quietly. The deal offered by AEW managed by Tony Khan turned out to be very generous and made my decision easier.”

Regarding any conversations with Vince McMahon, he stated, “I worked with Vince since ’93, gained deep insights about his style of working. I was involved in re-building the talent portfolio for WWE. Given that Vince wanted to make changes, which he had proven before, I already had an offer that proposed more compensation than WWE. Therefore, it seemed like an natural decision for me.”