Jim Ross believes that making Wyatt Sicks successful will indeed be a formidable task.

Jim Ross believes that making Wyatt Sicks successful will indeed be a formidable task.
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In a recent episode of his Grilling JR podcast, Jim Ross, a famed WWE Hall of Famer, touched on an assortment of topics. One subject that came up during the discussion was the recent unveiling of the Wyatt Sicks group on WWE RAW, which happened a week prior.

Ross expressed his thoughts stating, “I saw highlights of it, I did. I think it’s gonna be challenging to make it work. Bray Wyatt cast a massive shadow, and he was amazingly talented. The new group doesn’t have anybody that, to me, and I don’t mean to be coarse, but Bray Wyatt can’t be replaced. So the more that WWE can make this new group different, the better off they’ll be. But to try to emulate and to replicate step-by-step, it’s gonna be really challenging. That’s like saying, ‘We’ll get another bald guy with a goatee that can do. stunner, and he’ll be [Steve] Austin.’ Well, it doesn’t work that way. It just does not work that way. So look, I’m all for those guys being successful and going well. It’s all about the business and guys getting an opportunity to provide better for their families, which I’m all for. But I think it’s gonna be challenging.”