Jim Cornette On The Late Terry Funk, Matt Hardy Reflects On Bray Wyatt’s Passing

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Jim Cornette shared his memories of the late Terry Funk on his “Drive-Thru” podcast, which you can check out below:


Friday’s pre-SmackDown dark match saw Cameron Grimes defeat Odyssey Jones.

Matt Hardy worked closely with Bray Wyatt during his time in WWE, and he recalled a story of the late Windham Rotunda’s interactions with his own son Maxel.

Hardy reacted to Wyatt’s passing on Twitter, and you can check out some highlights below:

On Wyatt playing with Maxel: “He was so nice to Maxel, our oldest son. Whenever we had the Ultimate Deletion here at our compound, Bray played with Maxel earlier in the day. He hung out with him and, at the end of the night, he left his lantern that he used in the Ultimate Deletion for Maxel as a gift –- which Maxel really loved … Then we did a live event where Maxel actually got in the ring with us at the end of the match after we won, and Bray gave him some gloves that he was wearing, and Maxel did a little vlog about him. He was Maxel’s favorite wrestler for a period of time, which is so cool.”

On Wyatt’s passing: “Maxel was blown away yesterday when he heard that news. It didn’t seem real to him. It still doesn’t seem real to me, and really hasn’t sunk in that he has passed. It’s just — it’s inconceivable. He was 36 years old.”

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