Jesse Ventura recently had a conversation with The New York Post where he discussed his possible comeback to WWE as a commentator for Saturday Night’s Main Event. He also addressed how his son played a key role in negotiating a new Legends deal with WWE.
Here are some notable points he made during the interview:
On the topic of his son Tyrel’s instrumental role in the WWE deal, Ventura shared, “He’s very proficient at what he does. He was formerly Sean Penn’s assistant, enriching his experience. He’s been a wrestling and, obviously, a fan of mine since his childhood, so he took the initiative to get in touch with the new ownership. Conversations started, leading from one thing to another. I then realized that the ownership had changed hands and that the norms that led to my exit previously wouldn’t affect me anymore. It all fell into place. Let me disclose this: I did this out of self-interest for my children. I’m 73 and I won’t be here indefinitely. I wish for my kids to benefit if anyone capitalizes on my fame.”
Regarding his potential return to the broadcast booth for Saturday Night’s Main Event, Ventura said, “Given that Saturday Night’s Main Event is returning after 40 years, someone suggested, ‘We need Jesse for this,’ and because we had already worked out the Legends deal, it wasn’t a tough task to negotiate this. The initial hurdles had been overcome and what seemed impossible has now happened.”
On the subject of ensuring that his children can profit from his name, Ventura reiterated, “My son, being a fan of wrestling and myself, extended a link to the new owners. After that, discussions began. One thing led to another, and I understood the change of guard. I didn’t have to adhere to the old standard that resulted in my previous removal. It eventually materialized. I have to confess: I did this for my children. I’m 73 now, and my time is limited. I want my children to be entitled to some profits if someone leverages my name.”
Ventura also revealed the motivation behind starting a cannabis business, stating, “Here’s why: My wife had been affected by seizures. Cannabis was the only remedy that helped.”
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