Jeff Jarrett Reflects on Christian Cage’s Departure from TNA to WWE in 2008

Jeff Jarrett Reflects on Christian Cage’s Departure from TNA to WWE in 2008
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On a recent edition of his “My World” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett discussed Christian Cage leaving TNA Wrestling for a return to WWE in 2008 and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On Christian Cage leaving TNA for WWE in 2008: “I think at the end of the day, it’s all about hope and opportunity, and that can fall in a couple of boxes. Money, he knew that we could match anywhere close to dollar for dollar. We’ll call it the grand stage. So if he’s going to the main event, Bound for Glory, we’ll say that as an example versus the middle of the card [of] WrestleMania. You kind of start weighing that out. So dollars and opportunity and his heartstrings being pulled with, ‘Okay, this could be different this time.’ Edge is in a different position than when I left. So you know, the opportunity can change. It is just kind of a hopeless situation. What’s it going to look like? Again, he wanted to become a world heavyweight champion. He accomplished that in TNA. He was — Tampa to Orlando is not a far commute, so he had spent a lot of time at home during this time.

“So, he wanted to give it a shot at this stage of his career. And there are so many examples out there that you have to go away from a place to be missed, or wipe a clean slate, or maybe be given a new opportunity. He wanted to bet on himself again. That’s what I respect more than anything; he knew walking back in that door wasn’t going to be easy. There was going to be some adversity, but he bet on himself to give it a shot. And that’s with the knowledge that Vince [McMahon] is going to be Vince, for better or worse. He knew that was his challenge, but he obviously had heard some things from Vince and others that he was at least going to get a chance.”

On some people not being happy with Scott Steiner’s promo work in TNA: “Scotty is, always been, I’ll say hot-tempered and this and that. But at the end of the day, Scotty’s about business. And his opinion may not align with my opinion or creative’s, but at the end of the day if you had an adult conversation with him — I mean, maybe not ten times out of ten, but nine times out of ten, he’d say, ‘Okay, I’ll back off,’ or ‘I’ll tweak it here or tweak it there.’ Because he always truly did want to do what was best. As long as you were upfront about your discussions with him.”

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In a recent episode of his “My World” podcast, Jeff Jarrett, WWE Hall of Famer, discussed Christian Cage’s departure from TNA Wrestling to return to WWE in 2008. Jarrett shed light on the factors that influenced Cage’s decision and the challenges he faced upon his return.

Jarrett acknowledged that money played a significant role in Cage’s decision-making process. While TNA could match WWE’s offer to some extent, Cage was enticed by the grand stage that WWE provided. The opportunity to main event Bound for Glory, TNA’s biggest event, versus being in the middle of the card at WrestleMania was a crucial factor for Cage to consider. He had to weigh the financial aspects and the potential for career advancement.

However, it wasn’t just about money for Cage. He also had an emotional attachment to WWE and hoped that things would be different this time around. Jarrett mentioned that Edge, Cage’s longtime friend and fellow wrestler, was in a different position than when Jarrett left WWE. This change in circumstances gave Cage hope that he could achieve his goal of becoming a world heavyweight champion in WWE.

Another factor that influenced Cage’s decision was his proximity to home. Living in Tampa and working for TNA in Orlando allowed him to spend more time with his family. However, he wanted to take a shot at WWE at this stage of his career. Sometimes, wrestlers have to leave a promotion to be missed or start fresh with new opportunities. Cage was willing to bet on himself and face the challenges that awaited him upon his return to WWE.

Jarrett acknowledged that returning to WWE wouldn’t be easy for Cage. He knew that Vince McMahon, the chairman of WWE, could be a challenging figure to work with. However, Cage had heard positive things from McMahon and others, which gave him confidence that he would at least get a chance to prove himself.

During the podcast, Jarrett also discussed Scott Steiner’s promo work in TNA and the mixed reactions it received. While Steiner was known for his hot temper, he was ultimately focused on business. Jarrett emphasized the importance of having open and honest conversations with Steiner to align their opinions and find the best creative solutions.

In conclusion, Jeff Jarrett’s insights into Christian Cage’s departure from TNA Wrestling and return to WWE in 2008 shed light on the various factors that influenced Cage’s decision. Money, career opportunities, emotional attachments, and personal goals all played a role in his choice. Cage’s willingness to bet on himself and face the challenges of working with Vince McMahon demonstrated his determination to succeed.