Jeff Jarrett Recalls Grado’s Guitar Shot At AEW All In 2023

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During the AEW All In 2023 “Zero Hour” pre-show, Paul Wight, Anthony Ogogo & Grado decimated Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh for trolling the United Kingdom.

On a recent edition of his “My World” podcast, Jarrett discussed his spot on the AEW All In 2023 pre-show, where he was taken out by Wight, Ogogo, and Grado.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On being hit with a guitar by Grado: “It was cracked. You YouTube folks are seeing the attention-seeking glory hound whore commonly known as Grado. He’s too much. Look at the buffoon right there. Look at that shot on YouTube. What a moron. A true buffoon. Oh, I like Grado too. I helped give him a huge — that one tweet did like 2 million views on TalkSport. Which, by design Conrad, he wanted to get sloppy and get irritable, and there was a presenter over there that I said, ‘Hey, I may smack you with this guitar.’ And he said, ‘Yeah, bring it on.’ But Grado did the job just as well. But no, Grado, he got his comeuppance. He gave it back to me. You know, certainly a moment for my Scottish man.”

On a match with Grado never being discussed: “What’s crazy is, is that the promotional stunt that took place, there was no master plan of where this was going to go or where that was going to. But I’ve gotta give Tom Campbell of Cultaholic. Buddy, he got word that Jarrett-Grado — I can assure listeners this, a Jarrett-Grado singles match, I don’t believe was ever even discussed. He is not on quote-unquote ‘the AEW roster.’ He may have been in the corner, maybe a six-man. At one time there was an eight-man, at one time there was a ten-man discussion, all kinds of different things. But at the end of the day, a lot of chatter went on with it. But ol’ Tom led the charge, and he wasn’t happy with it. The amount of social media buzz that took place — I’ll call it seven days beforehand, my gosh. When Grado’s video wall popped up, what a roar in the crowd. It was a big pop. Great moment.”

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