Jeff Jarrett On Kevin Nash Calling LA Knight The Rock’s ‘Ripoff’

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Kevin Nash recently called rising WWE Superstar LA Knight a ripoff of The Rock, and the comments have incited a variety of responses from wrestling experts and fans. While most agree that some similarities exist between Knight and The Rock, the notion that Knight is a ripoff has been met with widespread criticism and disapproval.

On the latest episode of his “My World” podcast, veteran Jeff Jarrett shared his own assessment regarding the situation. Discussing the concept of meddling inspiration with innovation, Jarrett said,


“I recently read an article about these major, major corporations, what they started and what they are now. Nintendo, I mean there are so many different things. They start as something and completely pivot, and that’s kind of the recipe to success is adapting as you go. That, ‘Oh, wow, that didn’t work, so let’s try that.’ While I’m talking about [LA Knight], when did he start? Because I think that goes into — he’s not a young guy. ’cause when he worked for [TNA], that’s six years ago, he’s 35. And they had told me, ‘Yeah, he actually was in the WWE developmental, and it didn’t work out.’ I’m like, ‘That’s interesting. Where did I miss this guy?’

JJ continued, “So, he’s been around, and by osmosis and trial and error, sometimes the almighty word ‘timing’ doesn’t work out, sometimes it works perfectly, sometimes it doesn’t work perfectly at all. But to your point, absolutely, everything is inspired in a certain way. The folks that can take a little inspiration here, and a little inspiration there, and a little inspiration there and mash it up and make it authentic to themselves? Well then, they’re not just ubersuccessful, but innovators, if you will. But getting into the philosophy, everything starts as a thought, and what are thoughts made of? In many ways, divine inspiration, but intuitive thought. It’s all kind of what you’ve seen before, and how can I do something a little different.”

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