Jeff Jarrett Clarifies Audience Disapproval of the King of the Mountain Idea

Jeff Jarrett Clarifies Audience Disapproval of the King of the Mountain Idea
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Recently on his “My World” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett engaged in an open discussion about several wrestling topics, such as TNA Wrestling contacting Taz in 2009, the King of the Mountain concept, and other matters related to the industry.

According to Jarrett, he believes that Vince Russo was the earliest one to get in touch with Taz after he parted ways with WWE. He thinks Taz was initially considered for the role of a mouthpiece, given his charismatic personality and impeccable mic skills. However, the plan took a different direction in the following year.

When speaking about the King of the Mountain concept, Jarrett explained that it is a unique variation of the ladder match, where the wrestlers climb the ladder to hang the belt, contrary to the traditional way of grabbing the belt from the top. Five participants would start and one would need to pin another to be eligible to win. A pinned wrestler would then have to stay in the penalty box for two minutes.

Jarrett also elaborates on the criticisms this match concept has faced, aiming to deconstruct the narrative that it’s too complicated. He encourages critics to watch the matches to see the unique narrative and drama they build, describing them as ‘good storytelling’. He contests the perception that the negative criticisms are representative, arguing that they do not reflect the opinions of overall viewership.

In conclusion, Jarrett highlighted the innovative nature of the X-Division King of the Mountain match and the high flying style of wrestling it brings. He indicated that the general criticism of TNA has created a biased narrative against the promotion, reminding listeners that it has been running successfully for 22 years.