Jeff Hardy Hypes His Current TNA Run, Willow Nightingale On The State Of AEW

Jeff Hardy Hypes His Current TNA Run, Willow Nightingale On The State Of AEW
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During a recent episode of “Battleground” podcast, TNA Wrestling star Jeff Hardy shared that his current tenure with the company would reflect a significant evolution of his character. He expressed his enthusiasm for the transformation, stating, “This run with TNA is set to be the largest reinvention of myself to date. Everything just feels like it’s falling into place, like it was meant to be. I’m excited to team up with Matt again in TNA, to unleash unparalleled creativity, and deliver some of my best promos and in-ring performance yet.”.

On another note, a conversation with AEW wrestler Willow Nightingale aired on “amNY”, where she conversed on varying topics including the state of AEW and her ongoing feud with Kris Statlander.

She pointed out that AEW is placing a larger emphasis on storytelling now than ever before. Nightingale noted that, “The in-ring component has always been strong – the heart of our work. However, witnessing the enhanced depth in the narratives has been amazing. But this evolution is inevitable as time progresses and conflicts arise, leading to the clashing of different personalities which results in engrossing stories.”

Regarding her recent rivalry with Kris Statlander, she said, “Our friendship that spans several years has been betrayed and broken by Statlander, adding a unique significance and intensity to our matches. If this kind of situation occurred with a random locker room member, it simply wouldn’t have the same emotional impact.”

Nightingale also confessed her struggles with self-doubt, saying, “There have definitely been times of questioning my own worth and capabilities. But the outpouring support from fans and audiences always reminds me of my value during such times.”

She further emphasised the human tendency to feel insecure at times, stating, “In the face of adversity, it can sometimes feel like you’re drowning in despair and eagerly awaiting some ray of hope. I want to reassure those people that light and hope are indeed out there. They will find you, and you will discover them too. So, hold on and keep seeking the good because it does exist.”