Jaxson Ryker Announces Plans To Retire From Wrestling Later This Year

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Former WWE Superstar Jaxson Ryker has confirmed that he plans to end his wrestling career this August.

During an episode of “Wrestling for the Faith,” Ryker went into details about his retirement from in-ring competition. He said,


“I do feel like, man, it’s time to step away. Not necessarily doesn’t mean I won’t do guest ref spots or sign some autographs or use it as a ministry. But the in-ring action is just — I think it’s time to step away just because of injuries. It’s time to pursue a different career so I spoke to you (podcast co-host) about it and I have four shows booked. Matter of fact, tonight I’ll be in Elkin, North Carolina and I’ll post some flyers, but, and then June 3rd in Milner, Georgia for brother Marty Miller, little benefit for Drake Wuertz, good buddy of ours, and then June 17th, big show in Mooresville, North Carolina and then August 27th which is funny, it’s two days after my 23-year anniversary of my wrestling career starting, will be my last show in Salisbury, North Carolina.

“Once again, I’ll post all this stuff but I do man, I do think it’s time to walk away. There’s moments where I enjoy it if I’m working around with you, doing some stuff with you or some certain other guys. But it’s just gotten to a point to where I think I’m ready to press on into a new career and being 40, almost 41, I’ve been blessed. I’ve had an amazing, amazing career. What else do I have left to prove? Go work some indie shows and get hurt? I just can’t do it.”

Ryker signed with WWE in 2017 and was part of the Forgotten Sons before his release in 2021.

The former WWE Superstar drummed up controversy during the Black Lives Matter protests against the unlawful killing of George Floyd when he said that people of color should watch the movie 12 Years A Slave and “realize how good you all actually have it.”

Ryker’s “good buddy” Drake Wuertz was with WWE as a referee in NXT and was released in May 2021.

The ex-referee stormed out of a meeting of all NXT talent ahead of TakeOver: In Your House 2020 when Triple H said that people of all colors and religions were welcomed as part of the brand.

Wuertz also used his WWE official e-mail to arrange Q-Anon rallies and it was reported at the time that black wrestlers in NXT did not feel comfortable with him officiating their matches.

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