Jake Roberts Is Proud Of His Honest Biography: WWE Legends Special

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Jake “The Snake” Roberts is the subject of a Biography: WWE Legends unique today, and the WWE Hall of Famer takes pride in how sincere the documentary is.

In an interview with The Ringer, Roberts revealed his joy about the level of sincerity the bio special has actually preserved considering his notoriously struggling history.

You can take a look at some highlights from the podcast listed below:

On taking pride in how sincere the documentary was:“Doing this thing and having it come out so well, I believe that I’ve lastly had the one take place that truly informs the entire story. It’s not quite. It’s got some rough, nasty edges to taste, however it was life and it was the fact. I didn’t sweet coat anything. I’m exhausted and ill of seeing these docs where these men head out and place on and never ever have a f ** king issue and never ever did things. Are you f ** king joking me? I existed. I enjoyed your dumb ass!”

On preserving his sobriety: “It’s genuine simple. I ended up being a male. Every day that I remain sober is another success for me. When I state there ain’t no method in hell I’m choosing up once again, think me. I enjoy who I am today. I like awakening and searching in the mirror and stating, ‘Hey, guy, you’re a bad child of a b * tch, male, begun, let’s kick some more ass.’ And I like having the ability to get the phone and not fret about what’s going to be stated on the other end. ‘Like, Jake, you f ** ked up last night. What the f ** k are you doing?’

“Man, I’m pleased that s ** t is over. Are you joke me? I’m delighted that I might remember what I did the other day. I might not remember what I had for breakfast, however I understand that I consumed. It was all great. Where I’m at today, male, I’m strolling high and kicking ass and taking names.”

The post Jake Roberts Takes Pride In His Honest Biography: WWE Legends Special appeared initially on eWrestlingNews.com.