“It’s Unclear Whether We Will Encounter Ricochet Once More,” Comments Pat McAfee.

“It’s Unclear Whether We Will Encounter Ricochet Once More,” Comments Pat McAfee.
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Pat McAfee, a commentator on WWE’s RAW, has cast doubt over the future return of star player Ricochet after the Speen Champion’s rough encounter during this week’s installment of the show.

On the recent RAW episode, Ricochet confronted and was subsequently overwhelmed by Bron Breakker. He was taken from the scene in an ambulance, with Samantha Irvin accompanying him.

During a talk on his popular podcast, “The Pat McAfee Show,” McAfee shared thoughts on the brutal attack on Ricochet and speculated whether spectators would ever have the opportunity to witness him again. He stated,

“I’m actually not certain [about Ricochet’s condition]. After his head was slammed against the side of that truck, and his leg hit Bron Breakker as he fell, the blow on that concrete, and the struggling for breath afterwards, I was like, I know exactly how that feels. When someone catches you off guard, your breath is knocked out of you, you feel like it could be the end. It seemed late last night, Ricochet was on the cusp of that. He was hurled through a windshield. Is he going to be okay? Will he come back?

He further added,

“Bron gave a real beating to Ricochet, and while no official health status has been released, I’m left wondering if he will be fit for next week’s show. Will he make a comeback or when is Speed? That’s on Wednesday, right? [Co-host speculates Ricochet might be dead.] Is he indeed dead? As he was loaded into the ambulance, he gave us a thumbs up. It was an extremely tense moment as the ambulance arrived and the EMTs were cleaning Ricochet off from a shattered windshield. We better straighten this guy out from this car.”

News has surfaced suggesting that Ricochet has conveyed his intention to WWE authorities about his desire to depart from the company when his contract is due to end later in this calendar year.

Prior to this Monday’s RAW transmission, there were rumors floating around that it may be the last time audiences see Ricochet on a WWE platform as he is not scheduled for any future matches before the expiration of his contract.