‘It’s interesting that my father is now the spectator of my activities,’ says Mya Lesnar.

‘It’s interesting that my father is now the spectator of my activities,’ says Mya Lesnar.
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Mya Lesnar, the daughter of professional wrestler Brock Lesnar, finds it intriguing that the roles have reversed, and it’s now her father’s turn to watch her make her mark following years of seeing him make his name in the WWE spotlight.

The prodigy of Brock Lesnar and his wife Rena ‘Sable’ Lesnar, Mya has been forging her path in athletics and recently shattered records in Shot Put.

During her latest discussion with 9 News, Mya opened up about her connection with her father who these days can be found cheering her on at sporting events. She remarked,

“For many years, I’ve been in his shadow, which isn’t necessarily bad. Despite everything, he’s just my father. To me, he isn’t a superstar, but a supportive figure in my life. Nowadays, I find myself in the limelight, with him silently supporting me from the background. I find that to be really great.”

The WWE hasn’t seen the presence of Brock Lesnar since the 2023 SummerSlam where he was defeated by the ‘American Nightmare’ Cody Rhodes.

Earlier this year, Brock Lesnar’s name was involved in the lawsuit filed by Janel Grant, leading to his withdrawal from all WWE creative plans.