‘It’s highly likely that I’m correct while you’re mistaken,’ states CM Punk regarding critics.

‘It’s highly likely that I’m correct while you’re mistaken,’ states CM Punk regarding critics.
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In the professional wrestling sphere, it’s no secret that CM Punk is always willing to receive constructive criticism, though those who have negative comments about him should bear in mind that his views are often accurate.

Over the years, Punk has experienced his fair share of detractors especially during his stints with WWE, AEW, and multiple other wrestling organizations.

In a candid interview with Michael Cole, which can be viewed on WWE’s YouTube channel, Punk mused about paying heed to specific critiques, but not all. He shared,

“I’ve never been one to fully engage with every critic out there. There have been those who have laid the groundwork for my presence in the industry, and to them, I’ll always lend an ear. However, those who came after me seem to harbor jealousy. Throw all the criticisms you want at me – chances are you are mistaken and I am not.”

“Remember, no one pays more attention to you than your harshest critic. To me, they’re just the other side of the fan coin. Everyone follows what CM Punk does… I believe this has been the foundation for both my life and my career.”

The discussion comes in the aftermath of WWE SummerSlam 2024, where Punk was defeated by Drew McIntyre. McIntyre has been outspoken in his critique of the Chicago-based star since his comeback to WWE.

A preview of Punk’s return to the SummerSlam ring can be viewed below. Please note that some of the views he expressed during the interview may not reflect those of the fans or other wrestlers.