It unsettles me to see that the career of Dustin Rhodes is gradually drawing to a close.

It unsettles me to see that the career of Dustin Rhodes is gradually drawing to a close.
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On a recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, WWE Hall of Fame recipient Bully Ray shared his thoughts on Dustin Rhodes’ career progression, his passion for wrestling, and much more.

Here are some key takeaways from the discussion:

Speaking about the trajectory of Dustin Rhodes’ career, Bully Ray said, “I find it unsettling as I genuinely believe that the winding down of Dustin Rhodes’ career is not out of his volition. His fervor for the ring is palpable. Whenever he steps into the ring, he leaves a remarkable impression… I never judge a wrestler’s ability by their age. If they can perform, they should be allowed to. If they are popular, they deserve appreciation. If they can enhance the talent of others, nothing like it.”

Concerning Dustin’s perspective on the business, Bully Ray commented, “I am of the view that Dustin has been marginalized to an extent that he is not leveraged adequately. Perhaps this has led him to feel that his golden days are past, and he isn’t valued as much as before.”

Discussing the real value Rhodes brings to the ring, he stated, “I would absolutely capitalize on Dustin’s skills and reputation, especially given the weightage of the Rhodes name. Nothing about Dustin – his appearance, his dedication, his physical form, or his performance – suggests that he is looking for a retirement.”

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