Is it time for WWE to revert back to its original name, WWF?

Is it time for WWE to revert back to its original name, WWF?
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Welcome once again to eWrestlingNews Question of the Day! Interestingly, yesterday, Wrestlelamia posted a rumor – “There are speculations that WWE is contemplating a return to its former designation, WWF, and are presently dipping their toes in the water.”

Otherwise, nothing substantial has been mentioned concerning this matter, the rumors’ origin isn’t clearly defined, there was zero hinting on Monday Night Raw and the idea seems to have sprung from thin air. The culmination of all these facts implies that this is probably a spur-of-the-moment and baseless piece of gossip.

However, what if it actually happened? Would it be a wise decision? Would you be enthusiastic about such a change?

The question I leave to you today is “In the event of a possibility, should WWE reclaim its former WWF title?”

Make sure to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.

In my own opinion…

Before anything else, I have to emphasize that I don’t believe that there is any inkling of truth to these rumors. WWE originally ceased being the WWF due to legal reasons. I can’t see them reverting to the old title only to grapple with World Wildlife Fund again, and go through the processes of acquiring new domain names, rebranding, while throwing away their built reputation as WWE which has been their identity longer than they were WWF. I can’t see that happening!

Yet, in an ideal world, all this wouldn’t have been relevant.

The name, The World Wrestling Federation resonates with me more than the World Wrestling Entertainment. As an English scholar, it causes me great discomfort every time I hear people say “the WWE” understanding fully well that it doesn’t make sense (note folks, it isn’t The World Wrestling Entertainment!!!) and I find Howard Finkel’s “and NEWWWW World Wrestling Federation champion…” proclamation substantially grander than “and newwww WWE champion”.

I am partial towards the current WWE logo in comparison to any we’ve had since the classic old school WWF logo:

That logo will always be special to me. I agree that it might not fit in today’s graphic design scenario, but it could be revamped to retain a similar vibe. When they transitioned to WWE, I felt they should have modified the scratch logo rather than creating a completely new one.

However, considering everything, even if such changes were possible, they just won’t be worth the hustle. With new belts to replace the current WWE logo, a whole new statue magnetizing attention in front of their headquarters, the pile of paperwork – would this change be worth the effort? People have grown accustomed to the term WWE, so what’s the advantage in needing to acquaint everyone with a different name?

Maybe in an alternate reality, we might be discussing about Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes being the stars of the WWF, and speculating how bizarre it would be to alter the name to something like World Wrestling Entertainment. Who knows, in that universe, the Fruit of the Loom logo might bring forth a cornucopia and everything might be just right in the world.

What’s your take on this? Share your thoughts below!