Insights from James Storm on his booking fee in Netflix’s Wrestlers and Matt Morgan’s experience meeting Vince McMahon

Insights from James Storm on his booking fee in Netflix’s Wrestlers and Matt Morgan’s experience meeting Vince McMahon
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Former Impact Wrestling star James Storm has drawn attention due to his booking fee being discussed in Netflix’s OVW series “Wrestlers.”

Wrestlers premiered on Netflix on Thursday and a scene from the show featured Al Snow and Matt Jones having a conversation about booking Storm for a show. The Beer Money member had asked for $600, and Snow and Jones debated whether he was worth the fee as he wouldn’t even draw 60 people. Storm tweeted,


“Well as wrestlers and fans know not many shows run on a Thursday. Al called and asked me if I would help out and help some of the talent. Travel and hotel paid + filming Netflix and only 2 1/2 hrs from my house, not bad. Plus I don’t really need the money, but if you can make a little, get in some reps, help people and get an ACTORS credit that I got. Win win. I got to help and work with some good friends. Now the other guy doesn’t know a wrist lock from a wrist watch”

Storm also responded to a comment from someone who said that his fee should be higher than $600, writing,

“Ha. Oh it is for sure. As wrestlers we try and help out one another and do the ‘brother brother rate’ @TheRealAlSnow”

On a recent edition of the “Stories with Bradshaw & Brisco” podcast, Matt Morgan recalled working out at the WWE Headquarters in Stamford, CT in order to get noticed.

Morgan was invited by a writer to train at the WWE HQ gym in hopes of being noticed and getting signed, and The Blueprint met Vince McMahon there.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On getting invited to train at WWE Headquarters by a writer: “Every week for six months straight, every Friday night I went [to the gym at WWE Headquarters] after work. I even got a job at Enterprise rent-a-car because it was one block away from WWE. So long story short, every Friday night I worked out in that gym until six months later I’m walking into the men’s room of that gym as he’s walking out and –same way I met my wife ironically– he smacked right into my chest as I was walking in.”

On getting called up to WWE from OVW: “WWE Magazine did this article on the next line of new athletes at the time [and I was in it]. Long story short, got called up, they told me it was me and Nathan Jones teaming together.”

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Former Impact Wrestling star James Storm has recently made headlines due to his booking fee being discussed in Netflix’s OVW series “Wrestlers.” The show premiered on Netflix and featured a scene where Al Snow and Matt Jones debated whether Storm was worth his $600 fee as he wouldn’t draw a large crowd.

Storm took to Twitter to explain the situation, stating that he was asked by Al Snow to help out with a show that was close to his home and would also be filmed for Netflix. He mentioned that his travel and hotel expenses were covered, and he didn’t really need the money. However, he saw it as an opportunity to get some in-ring practice, help other talent, and gain an actor’s credit. Storm also mentioned that wrestlers often help each other out by offering discounted rates, known as the “brother brother rate.”

The discussion about Storm’s booking fee sparked some reactions on social media. Some fans expressed surprise that his fee was only $600, while others saw it as a compliment, suggesting that he could charge more. However, Storm seemed content with the arrangement and focused on the positive aspects of the opportunity.

In a recent podcast, former WWE wrestler Matt Morgan shared a story about how he got noticed by training at the WWE Headquarters gym in Stamford, CT. He mentioned that he would work out there every Friday night for six months, hoping to catch the attention of WWE officials. Eventually, he met Vince McMahon in the gym, which led to his call-up from OVW to WWE.

These stories highlight the dedication and determination of wrestlers who go above and beyond to pursue their dreams. Whether it’s accepting lower booking fees to help out fellow wrestlers or putting in extra effort at the gym to get noticed by top promotions, these individuals demonstrate their passion for the sport.

As fans, we should appreciate the sacrifices and hard work that wrestlers put into their craft. It’s not just about the glitz and glamour of the shows; it’s about the behind-the-scenes dedication and the willingness to help others succeed. James Storm’s story serves as a reminder that success in the wrestling industry isn’t solely measured by booking fees or drawing power but also by the impact one can make on others and the opportunities that arise from those experiences.

In conclusion, James Storm’s booking fee discussion in Netflix’s “Wrestlers” series has shed light on the dynamics of the wrestling industry. It has sparked conversations about wrestlers helping each other out, the value of their services, and the determination required to succeed. Storm’s decision to accept a lower fee for an opportunity to help others and gain experience is a testament to his dedication and passion for the sport.