Insider Updates on WWE’s Utilization of Blood in The Rock’s Attack on Cody Rhodes

Insider Updates on WWE’s Utilization of Blood in The Rock’s Attack on Cody Rhodes
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During this week’s episode of WWE Raw, The Rock attacked Cody Rhodes, causing him to bleed in the final segment of the show.

The usage of blading had been banned in WWE by Vince McMahon for many years. Dave Meltzer reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter the following about the segment. He wrote, 

“As far as what it all means, we were told that Dwayne Johnson as always will get to do pretty much what he wants. The further he pushes, it’s likely the further at least some of the top stars can with language.

With blood, the key is that this is no longer Vince McMahon’s company. We were told that going forward it will be used very rarely. There are no plans to turn it into AEW where it’s used more liberally.”

Title: The Rock’s Controversial Return to WWE Raw: Blading and Its Implications

In a surprising turn of events, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson made a shocking return to WWE Raw this week, attacking Cody Rhodes and causing him to bleed in the final segment of the show. This incident has sparked controversy due to the usage of blading, a practice that had been banned in WWE for many years by Vince McMahon. In this article, we will delve into the details of The Rock’s return, the implications of blading, and its potential impact on the future of WWE.

The Rock’s Unrestricted Influence:
According to Dave Meltzer’s report in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it appears that Dwayne Johnson has considerable freedom to do as he pleases within the WWE. As one of the industry’s biggest stars, The Rock’s influence allows him to push boundaries, including the use of explicit language and, apparently, blading. However, it is important to note that this privilege may extend only to top stars like The Rock and not be a widespread change for the entire roster.

The Significance of Blading:
Blading, also known as gigging or juicing, refers to the deliberate act of cutting oneself or an opponent to create bleeding during a match. Historically, blading was a common practice in professional wrestling, adding drama and intensity to matches. However, due to concerns over safety and the risk of transmitting bloodborne diseases, WWE banned blading several years ago.

The Changing Landscape:
Meltzer’s report suggests that this incident signifies a shift in WWE’s approach to blading. While it will still be used sparingly, it indicates that the company is willing to deviate from Vince McMahon’s strict policies. However, it is crucial to understand that WWE does not plan to adopt the more liberal use of blading seen in rival promotion AEW (All Elite Wrestling).

Implications for WWE:
The Rock’s use of blading raises questions about the potential impact on other top stars and the overall direction of WWE. Will other wrestlers be allowed to bleed in their matches? Could this lead to a more edgy and realistic product? It remains to be seen how WWE will navigate these changes, as they balance the desire for increased authenticity with concerns over safety and public perception.

Safety Concerns and Public Perception:
The ban on blading was primarily implemented to protect the wrestlers’ health and minimize the risk of bloodborne infections. With blading making a comeback, WWE must ensure that proper precautions are taken to safeguard the well-being of its performers. Additionally, the company must consider how this decision will be received by fans, sponsors, and the wider public, as it may affect WWE’s reputation and marketability.

The Rock’s recent use of blading during his return to WWE Raw has ignited discussions about the future direction of the company. While it appears that Dwayne Johnson’s star power grants him certain privileges, such as using blading, it remains uncertain if this will extend to other wrestlers or become a regular occurrence in WWE. As the landscape of professional wrestling continues to evolve, WWE must strike a delicate balance between pushing boundaries and maintaining the safety and integrity of the sport.