Information Regarding Agreements on WrestleMania, Royal Rumble, and Summerslam in Indianapolis.

Information Regarding Agreements on WrestleMania, Royal Rumble, and Summerslam in Indianapolis.
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eWn previously announced a partnership between WWE and the Indiana Sports Corporation. The agreement will see the three major stadium events by WWE including WrestleMania, SummerSlam, and Royal Rumble brought to Indianapolis.

Lucas Oil Stadium is set to stage the Royal Rumble on February 1, 2025, signaling the onset of this partnership. Moving forward, the venue will be the host for two-night events of both SummerSlam and WrestleMania.

WWE unveils plans to conduct RAW, SmackDown, NXT, along with other live events in several arenas across Indiana during the course of this alliance, featuring cities like Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, and Evansville during event weekends. The choice of scheduling the Royal Rumble for February was a major topic of conversation.

Based on information obtained from WrestleVotes and Fightful, it appears that a conscious decision was made to sidestep clash with the Super Bowl weekend and NFL playoffs, influencing the scheduling. As a result, the Royal Rumble event was moved back one week from its traditional timeline. It’s still unclear whether February will be the ongoing month for hosting Royal Rumble.

Hints are suggesting a potential scale up of the Royal Rumble pay-per-view event, aligning it with the structure of WrestleMania. Since the year 2020, WWE has presented WrestleMania as a show spanning two-nights, and it may possibly be a trend that the Royal Rumble will adopt.

Inside sources from WWE have pointed out the favourable conditions offered by Indianapolis for hosting events, inclusive of the city’s good connectivity, closeness to other significant cities, and the presence of an indoor stadium.