“Indeed, I swapped contact details with Shane McMahon this past Monday,” Mercedes Mone confirms.

“Indeed, I swapped contact details with Shane McMahon this past Monday,” Mercedes Mone confirms.
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Mercedes Mone has gone on record to confirm a recent interaction with Shane McMahon.

Earlier in the week, reports surfaced on eWn website that Mone and McMahon crossed paths at New York City’s LaGuardia International Airport on a Monday morning during their individual flight schedules.

In her latest newsletter publication, Mone substantiated the encounter between the two and their conversation.

Describing the incidental meet-up, The “CEO” states, “Following a series of unforeseeable events, I found myself at the airport, standing in line at the bagel shop. Unexpectedly, I looked up and there Shane McMahon stood, equally shocked. What a coincidence to bump into McMahon on my inaugural day as a double-title holder – the first wrestling personality and ex-WWE Superstar I see. If that’s not serendipity, I’m not sure what is.”

Elaborating further, she mentioned, “I’ve always admired Shane. We recognized each other the moment our eyes met. It was a moment of surprise and joy. We shared some conversation before his boarding announcement. He even shared his contact number with me… rest, as the saying goes, is either historical or the mystery unfolds!”

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