In the quest for guidance for 2024’s NXT Battleground, Jaida Parker turned to Shawn Michaels.

In the quest for guidance for 2024’s NXT Battleground, Jaida Parker turned to Shawn Michaels.
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During a recent guest spot on “The Ringer Wrestling Show,” WWE NXT Superstar, Jaida Parker, opened up about her enriching experience receiving coaching from Shawn Michaels for her maiden ladder match, which took place at NXT Battleground 2024.

Below are some salient points from the podcast:

Discussing her initial interaction with Shawn Michaels and the advice he gave her for her first Ladder Match, Parker said, “The moment doubts like ‘I can’t do this’ start to creep in, that’s when someone is prone to injury. We want to avoid that at all costs. Indeed, it’s a tough competition and I’m fighting through people for my title. However, I would never want to be the root cause of someone else’s injury. The important thing is to banish fear, and not to question yourself. Second-guessing oneself leads to a dangerous downhill slope.”

Contrasting her approach towards the main roster superstars who occasionally grace NXT, Parker shared, “My motto in life is ‘I have two eyes and two ears but only one mouth’ – essentially emphasizing the need to listen and observe more than we speak. Whenever I notice these stars, I observe their methods, absorb their advice and fuse this gained knowledge with my own skill – with this combination, I’m unstoppable.”

Parker participated in the Six-Way Ladder Match, vying for the NXT Women’s North American Title at the NXT Battleground 2024. Kelani Jordan emerged victorious, clinching the match to become the first-ever Women’s North American Champion the previous weekend.