In May’s merchandise revenue, Jey Uso surpasses Cody Rhodes by showing outstanding performance.

In May’s merchandise revenue, Jey Uso surpasses Cody Rhodes by showing outstanding performance.
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Since embracing his individual competitiveness and joining the powerhouse team of WWE’s RAW, Jey Uso has been welcomed enthusiastically by fans worldwide, solidifying his status as one of WWE’s most cherished good guys. This rise in fan engagement has also audibly been resonating in the sales of his merchandise.

Wrestlenomics recently put out data suggesting that in the month of May, Jey’s merchandise sales slightly edged past those of the current Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Cody Rhodes.

The report underscored that Uso’s black shirt branded with the word “Yeet” emerged as the leading item in the men’s clothing category for that month and even for the complete year so far, leaving behind Cody’s merchandise.

Nevertheless, looking at year-to-date sales, Cody Rhodes still has a hold on the overall top spot. It’s crucial to mention that we, at eWn, have corrected our previous report accordingly and extend our sincerest apologies for the earlier oversight.

Furthermore, two popular figures, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson came out as the prime merchandise vendors after Rhodes, CM Punk, and Uso.