“If you manifest lousy character, I will respond to you accordingly.”

“If you manifest lousy character, I will respond to you accordingly.”
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In a recent episode of “The Masked Man Show,” professional wrestler CM Punk addressed rumors surrounding his transition from AEW to WWE. Commenting on the discussions implying he would carry over his issues from AEW to WWE, he firmly said,

“That’s all bullsh*t. None of that stuff is reality. ‘Oh, he’s a cancer.’”

Continuing his stance, CM Punk stated, “Listen, not everyone encounters the pleasant side of me. My attitude towards you depends on how you act around me. If you behave disrespectfully, expect the same from me. But if you’re cordial, welcoming, and ready to enjoy the moment, then let’s do so. I’m all for friendliness. I’m not a split personality. However, there are certain individuals, who out of their inability to manipulate my words and actions, loathe me. They strive to influence how others view and feel about me. It’s nonsense. You must form your own views and come to your own conclusion.”

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