Hulk Hogan suggests that Bron Breakker might become the future equivalent of Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock.

Hulk Hogan suggests that Bron Breakker might become the future equivalent of Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock.
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During the latest episode of the “WrestleBinge” podcast, renowned WWE Hall of Famer, Hulk Hogan, didn’t shy away from heaping copious admiration on Bron Breakker. Hogan insists that Breakker, whose past is decorated with an NXT Championship, is poised to evolve into a gigantic figure in the wrestling world if handled adeptly.

Here are some remarkable excerpts from the conversation broadcasted on the podcast:

Regarding Bron Breakker’s potential, Hogan shared: “He’s really something. He exhibits wisdom that belies his age. His intensity, coupled with his ability to sustain it when under pressure, is highly commendable. If managed appropriately, he could rise to fame like the next Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, or even Hulk Hogan himself. He really has the potential to be the one.”

Hogan also observed similarities between Breakker and Goldberg, he said: “He mirrors Goldberg in many ways. He brings an added flair to his game. Bill, The Rock, and I had our unique selling points, but Bron Breakker possesses all those traits as well as a little extra flair. He’s off to a roaring start, I can barely picture what he might become when he wholly comprehends the ins and outs of the wrestling world. He has transcended the ‘quick kill’ safety net and from my observation, he is ready for the action. He’s invested time and been trained the right way. It is my sincere hope that he continues on this learning trajectory gaining more insights and nuances. Some wrestlers, even with 15 to 20 years of experience, who might consider themselves veterans or headline acts, might never fully grasp the game. I genuinely wish Bron Breakker does, because if he does, he’ll become a formidable adversary.”

Watch the complete podcast via YouTube, where Hogan discusses how a WWE RAW star may just be the next big thing, akin to Stone Cold.