“Hulk Hogan confirmed that he was locked into an assured agreement with WWE, commencing from 1984.”

“Hulk Hogan confirmed that he was locked into an assured agreement with WWE, commencing from 1984.”
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During the latest episode of “The Outbound Life” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan disclosed that he had a guaranteed contract dating back to 1984 when he was working in WWE under Vince McMahon’s management.

Highlights of the podcast discourses can be reviewed below:

Hogan broached the topic of his guaranteed contract with WWE [formerly WWF], stating “There seems to be a belief, perhaps propagated by Kevin Nash or others, claiming that guaranteed contracts didn’t exist before their time. That’s not accurate. When I returned to WWE on January 23, 1984, and won the belt, I already had a guaranteed contract in place months before, during my TV appearances. On record, I had a ten-year immunity then, which predates Kevin Nash’s tenure by a good 20 years. The need to secure me was pressing for Vince (McMahon) as I had mastered the gimmick and was largely popular.”

Speaking about his prominent role in advocating guaranteed contracts, Hogan said, “I was at the helm leading multiple initiatives where the guaranteed contract was a constant. Concurrently, I ventured into the film industry, making a couple of movies annually and earning extra income. There was the popular 1-900-HULK-HOGAN hotline, a service for kids to connect with me using their parent’s credit card for layered discussions including training, vitamins, and storyline. The hotline, delivering pre-recorded messages, was a significant revenue stream. The influx from the hotline, coupled with my movie ventures and thriving merchandise sales, propelled my financial status.”