Maven has tremendous respect for William Regal, and the former WWE Superstar believes he could’ve had a longer and more fruitful career had he paid attention to The Lordship’s valuable advice.
Maven shared his experiences working with Regal in his latest vlog and you can check out some highlights below:
On the advice he got from Regal: “I still hear this guy in my head telling me, ‘Keep your hands out your pockets, lad.’ The story behind that is, I’m out at the ring. I feel somebody tap me on the shoulder as I’m standing with both my hands in pockets, and it was William Regal. He told me, and I still remember this years later, he told me, ‘You’re a fighter. Fighters never stand with their hands in their pockets. They have to be ready.’ It’s just always stayed with me to this day.”
On learning from Regal: “Goldberg had a match early in Goldberg’s WCW career with Regal, and both of these guys are gonna tell the story a little bit different. Goldberg says that Regal took liberties with him, and Regal says the office told them to have a competitive match. I tend to stand behind Regal and his interpretation of what he was told to do. Now, that said, I still think he went out and made a show. I still think he went out and proved a point, not only to Goldberg, but to the world, about what true toughness is.
But William Regal, I worked with him a handful of times, and every time we worked together, the reason he has my undying respect is because it didn’t matter if we had a four-minute segment, he made it a point that I was going to learn something during my day’s interaction with him. He was going to not only tell me what we were gonna be doing, but explain the why behind it. He in essence made me a better wrestler. He’s one of the guys I wish I would have stuck to like glue because I probably would have had a longer and more fruitful career had I paid attention to William Regal.”
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William Regal is a highly respected figure in the world of professional wrestling, and his advice has proven to be invaluable for many wrestlers. Former WWE Superstar Maven recently shared his experiences working with Regal and how the advice he received from him impacted his career.
One of the memorable pieces of advice Maven received from Regal was to “keep your hands out of your pockets.” This may seem like a simple instruction, but it carried a deeper meaning. Regal explained to Maven that fighters should always be ready and prepared for any situation. By keeping his hands out of his pockets, Maven would always be in a position to defend himself and be alert. This advice stuck with Maven throughout his career and served as a constant reminder of the importance of being ready at all times.
Maven also spoke about learning from Regal during their matches together. One particular match that stood out was between Regal and Goldberg early in Goldberg’s WCW career. There were differing accounts of the match, with Goldberg claiming that Regal took liberties with him, while Regal maintained that they were instructed to have a competitive match. Maven sided with Regal’s interpretation and admired how he showcased true toughness in the ring. Working with Regal, Maven learned not only the physical aspects of wrestling but also the reasoning behind the moves and strategies they employed. Regal’s dedication to teaching and explaining the “why” behind their actions made Maven a better wrestler.
Maven expressed his regret for not sticking with Regal more closely throughout his career. He believed that if he had paid more attention to Regal’s guidance, he could have had a longer and more successful career. Regal’s commitment to helping others improve their skills and understanding of wrestling is what earned him Maven’s undying respect.
In conclusion, William Regal’s advice and teachings have had a significant impact on the careers of many wrestlers, including Maven. His emphasis on being prepared, learning the reasoning behind actions, and constantly improving oneself has made him a highly regarded figure in the wrestling industry. Maven’s regret for not fully embracing Regal’s guidance serves as a testament to the value of his advice.