How LA Knight Achieved Undeniable Success Independently, According to Road Dogg

How LA Knight Achieved Undeniable Success Independently, According to Road Dogg
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Road Dogg has nothing but high praise for LA Knight these days due to the fact that he’s been able to win the fans over on his own.

Speaking on the latest edition of his “Oh… You Didn’t Know?” podcast, WWE’s SVP of Live Events lavished praise on Knight. He said,


“We’re always so quick to jump on booking for something. I would argue LA Knight didn’t wait on them to book him and do something, he became undeniable, and all of a sudden you got to book him. So some of this lies on the individual.”

He continued, “You know, at some point, and they said this in the notes, actually so it’s ironic —- some point the bell has to ring and you have to connect with the viewer. You have to connect with the viewing audience and if you can’t do that, don’t blame it on the writers.”

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LA Knight, also known as Eli Drake, has been making waves in the world of professional wrestling. The WWE’s Senior Vice President of Live Events, Road Dogg, recently praised Knight for his ability to win over fans on his own.

In a recent episode of his podcast, “Oh… You Didn’t Know?”, Road Dogg commended Knight for taking initiative and not waiting for the company to book him. He stated, “I would argue LA Knight didn’t wait on them to book him and do something, he became undeniable, and all of a sudden you got to book him. So some of this lies on the individual.”

Road Dogg emphasized the importance of connecting with the viewers and the audience. He mentioned that at some point, the bell has to ring and wrestlers have to establish a connection with the viewers. He added, “If you can’t do that, don’t blame it on the writers.”

LA Knight’s ability to connect with the audience has been evident in his performances. He has showcased his charisma, mic skills, and in-ring abilities, which have resonated with fans. Knight’s talent and dedication have allowed him to stand out and create a buzz around his character.

Knight’s journey in the wrestling industry has been impressive. He started his career in the independent circuit before joining Impact Wrestling, where he gained recognition and won multiple championships. His success in Impact Wrestling caught the attention of WWE, leading to his signing with the company in 2020.

Since joining WWE, Knight has made appearances in NXT and has recently made his debut on the main roster. His confident persona and natural charisma have made him a standout performer. Fans have embraced his character, and he has quickly become a fan favorite.

With his impressive skills and ability to connect with the audience, LA Knight has a promising future in the world of professional wrestling. He has proven that taking initiative and showcasing one’s talent can lead to success, even in a highly competitive industry like WWE.

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In conclusion, LA Knight’s ability to win over fans on his own has earned him high praise from Road Dogg and the wrestling community. His talent, charisma, and dedication have allowed him to stand out and create a strong connection with the audience. As he continues to make his mark in WWE, fans can expect to see more of LA Knight’s exciting performances in the future.