Hornswoggle Played A PSP Under The Ring While In WWE

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Hornswoggle Played A PSP Under The Ring While In WWE

Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Speaking on Instinct Culture by Denise Salcedo, [Horn]Swoggle talked about various aspects of his WWE past, including the extended times he’d be waiting for his cue to emerge from the bottom of the ring. We’ve collected a few choice selections from the interview as well as linking to the full interview in the video below:

Hornswoggle On How Long He Spent Other The Ring

7 HOURS. I was under there for 7 hours one time, I slept. That was the craziest part, I could fall asleep under there. And I could hear what was going on above me, I could hear the matches just by the movements and the crowd reactions. I would know what was going on above me. I would bring my PSP, my gaming device under there. Play that and sleep and just hang out. I was comfortable. I would get dressed under there.

Hornswoggle On The Great Khali’s Love Of Denny’s

He eats so much. He liked Denny’s, just loved Denny’s. Because he knew what he could get. He was very new to the country at the time and to traveling like this but he knew he could order chicken and rice at Denny’s. And that’s all he would eat, just chicken breasts, chicken breasts, chicken breasts.

Hornswoggle On Vince McMahon

I was so intimidated and I think that’s one of my biggest regrets in my career is, I worked with him {Vince McMahon} every week, with him, next to him within these scenes and I should have just randomly picked his brain. Because he would have answered any question I had. He’s that kind of person where he doesn’t care. You ask him something, he’ll answer it…. I wish I would have taken the opportunity but I was 21 years old and he’s the boss.

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Thanks to Instinct Culture for the interview transcriptions!