HollyHood Haley J Shares Her Ultimate Goal of Joining WWE and Other News Updates

HollyHood Haley J Shares Her Ultimate Goal of Joining WWE and Other News Updates
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HollyHood Haley J has been a fixture on Netflix’s OVW docuseries Wrestlers, and she recently appeared on the “Ringside Podcast” podcast to discuss how the series has changed her life.

Additionally, Haley J revealed that her ultimate goal is to sign a contract with WWE.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On how her life has changed since Wrestlers launched: “Well, if you haven’t seen my social media, it’s been up there. I’m getting a bunch of followers. Getting a bunch of bookings. Some out of the country bookings, that’s cool. A lot of people ordering merch. Almost sold out of all of my merch. Got me a little try out, it didn’t fall through, that will come back around. It got me new friends.”

On her ultimate goals in wrestling: “The ultimate goal is obviously WWE. I’m trying to wrestle at WrestleMania, become champ, top dog. Anywhere I go, I make my way to the top. I just have to get there. That’s the goal. Be champ, wrestle at WrestleMania, then I can retire.”

Prince Nana’s dance has been a hit among fans and recently went viral.

Speaking on a recent edition of the “Talk is Jericho” podcast, the manager of the Mogul Embassy manager revealed how the dance came about. He said,

“The dance, how that came about was, I got some good information from the AEW office, I believe it was during the Canada trip or after that because Canada took a lot out of everybody. I love Canada. I was in my room, got some good news, and next thing you know, I put on Instagram, I put on the Swerve song, and I just started dancing that same dance.”

He continued, “I did the same dance, I tape it, went maybe two weeks. When I initially walked to the ring, I had a little pep in my step, but maybe two weeks (later), I looked at the video and said, ‘I’m going to do this dance.’ I did it one night and boom, history was made. Since then, every week people are requesting me to do it. Did it in London in front of 80,000 people. We’re getting memes, we’re getting people doing the challenge. It’s definitely a great thing.”

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HollyHood Haley J, a prominent figure on Netflix’s OVW docuseries “Wrestlers,” recently shared how the show has impacted her life and revealed her ultimate goal of signing a contract with WWE. In a podcast interview on the “Ringside Podcast,” Haley J discussed the changes she has experienced since the launch of “Wrestlers.”

One significant change Haley J mentioned is the increase in her social media following and the growing number of bookings she has received, including some international opportunities. She also mentioned that her merchandise has been selling well, almost selling out completely. Additionally, Haley J mentioned that she had a tryout that didn’t work out but expressed optimism that another opportunity will come her way.

When asked about her ultimate goals in wrestling, Haley J expressed her desire to join WWE and wrestle at WrestleMania. She aspires to become a champion and reach the top of the industry wherever she goes. Haley J emphasized her determination to achieve these goals and mentioned that once she accomplishes them, she can retire from wrestling.

In addition to Haley J’s interview, the article briefly mentions Prince Nana’s viral dance. Prince Nana, the manager of the Mogul Embassy, shared on the “Talk is Jericho” podcast how the dance became popular. He revealed that he received good news during a Canada trip, which inspired him to create the dance and share it on Instagram. The dance gained attention, and people started requesting him to perform it regularly. Prince Nana even performed the dance in front of 80,000 people in London.

To stay updated with all wrestling news, readers can visit eWrestlingNews.com or follow their Twitter and Facebook pages.

Overall, this article highlights HollyHood Haley J’s aspirations in wrestling and how being part of “Wrestlers” has positively impacted her career. It also briefly mentions Prince Nana’s viral dance, showcasing the diverse stories and experiences within the wrestling industry.