In a recent episode of his podcast, D-Von Dudley, a respected member of the WWE Hall of Fame who currently serves as a WWE producer, discussed his experiences working behind the scenes. During the podcast, Dudley shared insights about how WWE CEO Vince McMahon reacts when he is dissatisfied with how a match has unfolded.
Known for his bold reactions, McMahon’s displeasure is often articulated through a forceful outburst of, “God damn it!” The phrase is punctuated by an emphatic, “This is not what I wanted!” This particular reaction from McMahon was always a clear expression of frustration whenever things didn’t proceed as expected in the ring, noted Dudley.
Expanding on this, Dudley shared with his listeners, “If he didn’t approve of the match, he would remove his headset, place it on the table, fixing his gaze on you, inviting you to explain your actions. You’d have to justify why you did what you did. Based on your explanation, he would either say, ‘I see that,’ indicating acceptance or he’d reject it, with, ‘No, that is not what I wanted, this is what I wanted,’ leaving you to accept his verdict.”
Dudley further shared, “Most times, producers would bear the brunt of McMahon’s displeasure. I would often remind others, ‘I cannot control the wrestlers once they enter the ring. If we painted a picture for them backstage, and they chose to deviate from the plan, I can’t prevent it from happening. It’s up to the person in charge to reprimand them for their actions.'”
On an ending note, if you have any news tips, podcast summaries or WWE related information you’d like us to share and credit you for, feel free to send me an email at [email protected].