Has WWE Decided to Discontinue its Support for Omos?

Has WWE Decided to Discontinue its Support for Omos?
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Since 2023, Omos’ appearances in WWE programming have been considerably limited. His last known appearance was in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal on a SmackDown episode before the WrestleMania 40 event in April. Previously, Omos made frequent appearances at WWE’s live events, becoming a staple of the Nigerian Giant.

According to reports from The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE organized these untelevised matches at live events to help Omos acquire more in-ring experience. This decision was made since the organization“hadn’t fully decided to abandon him.”

Yet, recent incidents show Omos hasn’t been included in any WWE live events, leading to rumors that WWE may have moved on from him.

In the meantime, Omos is paving a new path for himself. He initiated a YouTube channel, where he broadcasted his first content featuring the “Top 10 Summer Fragrances 2024.”

Insider information reveals that despite rumors, WWE still considers Omos as a unique crowd-puller. This perspective goes against the speculated notion of WWE forsaking him.

Only time will tell if Omos will make a comeback on WWE television in the future.