Harley Cameron Cans the Act of People’s Pronouncements Nowadays, AEW Collision Roster Unveiled, Among Other News.

Harley Cameron Cans the Act of People’s Pronouncements Nowadays, AEW Collision Roster Unveiled, Among Other News.
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Harley Cameron voiced out her exasperation during the recent episode of AEW Rampage concerning participants unilaterally “declaring” their spot in the Owen Hart Tournament. Specifically, she aired her annoyance towards Mariah May, Willow Nightingale, and Kris Statlander making such declarations. Harley argued that only Saraya had the right to make declarations regarding the women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.

Highlights from this segment can be seen below:

[All Elite Wrestling’s Tweet about Harley Cameron’s disapproval of the “declarations” for the Owen Hart Cup]

Here’s the updated lineup for tonight’s episode of AEW Collision:

– AEW TNT Championship Qualifier: Lee Moriarty vs. Dante Martin.
– No DQ Match: Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo.
– Match: House of Black against Bang Bang Gang.
– Match: Blackpool Combat Club against TMDK, Lio Rush, & Rocky Romero.
– Match: Hechicero vs. Dalton Castle.
– Special feature: Christian Cage Father’s Day Special.
– Special appearance by The Acclaimed.

Details of the AEW Collision event can be seen below:

[All Elite Wrestling’s tweet about AEW Collision]

On a lighter note, Steph De Lander agreed to PCO’s proposal of a date. During the TNA Against All Odds pay-per-view event held on Saturday night, De Lander responded positively to PCO’s love letter following his victorious match against Rich Swann.

Highlights from this segment can be seen below:

[TNA Wrestling’s tweet about Steph De Lander accepting PCO’s date proposal]

Note: If you have any news or podcast recaps you would like us to share (with full credit given to you), please email me at [email protected].